Felipe González-Castro, Ph.D.


Ph.D. University of Washington
M.S.W. University of California, Los Angeles
B.A. University of California, Santa Barbara

Research Interests

My research has focused on the study of health disparities in Latino and other racial/ethnic minority populations.  Conversely, I also study resilience and other health outcomes despite exposure to difficult life events.  I adopt a Stress-Coping-Resilience paradigm understanding the factors that promote resilience.  I also developed the Integrative Mixed Methods (IMM) research methodology, which allows the deep-structure analysis of stress-coping relationships, for discovering how specific ways of coping promote resilience, and other health outcomes within diverse populations.  The principal aim is for the results of this research to inform the design of prevention and treatment interventions to promote and enhance resilience within diverse populations.

My laboratory is the Hispanic Health Research Lab, which also houses the Integrative Mixed Methods (IMM) Lab.  These research sites are dedicated to the in-depth analysis of factors and processes that promote and sustain resilience in the face of adversity.  This involves an in-depth analysis of hundreds of cases of diverse people ranging from drug addicts to leaders.  Under this IMM approach, we use text narrative analyses and multivariate model analysis, to examine the real-life stories of hundreds of cases, in understanding how diverse people cope with various life challenges: drug addiction, type 2 diabetes, chronic disease, loss of a loved one, and other difficult life situations.