Membership Categories

Research Scientists

Research Scientist members comprise the core, voting membership of the Network. The Network members meet once a year during the annual conference. The membership represents a diversity of gender, nationality, geographic location, research interests, and disciplines. The criteria for identification and selection of Research Scientist members are:

  • Scientist with an active research program
  • Affiliated with a research institution=
  • Ph.D., M.D., Ed.D., D.S.W., or comparable doctoral degree
  • Expertise in drug abuse research, or in a closely related area with a strong interest in drug abuse research
  • Expertise in research with Hispanic populations (applies only to relevant disciplines)
  • May be a senior researcher or a promising new investigator
  • Demonstrated interest in and commitment to conducting Hispanic drug abuse research, and/or to mentoring students and early career scientists in Hispanic drug abuse research.

Graduate Students

The criteria for identification and selection of graduate student members are:

  • Doctoral-level Graduate Student:
    • Enrolled in good standing at an accredited academic institution
    • Enrolled in a Ph.D., M.D., Ed.D., D.S.W., or comparable doctorate-level program
    • Demonstrated interest in Hispanic drug abuse research
    • Exceptionally qualified to become an independent research scientist
  • Master’s-level Graduate Student:
    • Enrolled in good standing at an accredited academic institution
    • Enrolled in a master’s degree program
    • Demonstrated interest in Hispanic drug abuse research
    • Currently involved in drug abuse research
    • Demonstrated outstanding potential to pursue further training at the doctoral level
    • Exceptionally qualified to become an independent research scientist

International Research Scientists

International members need to meet the same criteria as listed under Research Scientists. International members will be individuals whose professional activities are directly related to or relevant to U.S. Hispanic drug abuse research. These individuals will provide valuable input to the Network on the critical issues facing Hispanic communities and families, and the most relevant research questions that should be explored.

  • Scientists from Latin America or another Spanish-speaking country with an active research program
  • Affiliated with a research institution based outside of the United States
  • Ph.D., M.D., Ed.D., D.S.W., or a comparable doctoral-level program
  • Expertise in drug abuse research, or in a closely related area with a strong interest in drug abuse research
  • Expertise in research with Hispanic populations
  • May be a senior researcher or a promising new investigator

Research Partners

Research partners are individuals whose professional activities are directly related to or relevant to U.S. Hispanic drug abuse research. Unlike the other membership categories, these individuals do not have an academic affiliation (i.e.: clinicians and research collaborators).

  • Active collaborator in a research program or engaged with an NHSN researcher
  • Affiliated with institutions and organizations that serve Latinos. Can be community based, decision and policy maker influencing the Latino population.
  • Demonstrated interest in and commitment to conducting Hispanic drug abuse research.

Emeritus Members

Emeritus Members will be individuals that:

  • Have established national recognition in their area of research or work.
  • Have served NHSN with outstanding dedication and distinction for at least  five consecutive years in leadership roles (e.g.: member of the Steering Committee) or who have played a vital role in mentorship through our mentoring and  training initiatives (i.e.: IRTI mentor or R25 mentor).

Nominations must be approved by the Steering Committee and must be accepted by the candidates. Emeritus members are expected to provide continued, active involvement in the NHSN by teaching, mentoring or serving on review committees.

NHSN membership will ensure your continued access to the strongest scientific network of scientists, mentors, and collaborators with the common interest. It will provide discounted registration fees at the annual conference and eligibility for travel award requests. Please feel free to contact the membership committee at should you have any questions regarding the membership criteria and fees.